K-Drama Feuilleton

KINGS AFFECTION/Gender Banter With Judith

Maksu and Celi Season 1 Episode 14

In this episode Celi and Maksu are discussing the current hit drama "Kings Affection".
In addition to reviewing the drama as per usual (yes including the category in which Maksu is ranting about what anachronisms you can find in this historical drama - you guessed right: it's football yet again) they'll also be focusing on Judith Butler's theory of gender performativity and HOW AMAZINGLY QUEER THIS DRAMA IS!
Of course there will also be much of the obligatory swooning and nerdy references. 

Until 15:00 banter on ancient languages 
from 16:00 synopsis of the plot and intro to the drama (banter ensues)
from 36:00 Judith Butler and the theory of gender performativity

Enjoy everyone!

Show notes: 
Film: Laurence Anyways!

Books: Judith Butler, Gender Trouble (1990)/Bodies That Matter (1993)

Authors: Simone de Beauvoir, Michel Foucault

Dramas: Secret Garden, To the Beautiful You, You Are Beautiful, Coffee Prince,  Inspector Koo