K-Drama Feuilleton
Two friends casually discuss and review K-Dramas from a leftie politics and historical-societal perspective. Max is a current PhDer in Korean Studies, while Celi holds a Master's in Modern Middle Eastern Studies. They met during a field trip to St Petersburg during their history undergrad and immediately bonded over their shared interest in all things Korean and all things history. There will be much laughter and banter, some legit stanning and swooning over all the gorgeous actors and of course some serious historical, political, societal, and fashion analysis by both of them. Some episodes will feature special guests ranging from music experts giving some analysis on OST and fashion specialists to Marxist economists penetrating through the swoony superstructure. Everything will be addressed and everything will be rooted in a shared and steadfast love for K-Dramas.
K-Drama Feuilleton
OUR BELOVED SUMMER/Our Traumatic Twenties...
Maksu and Celi
Season 1
Episode 17
In this episode Maksu and Celi review the newest K-Drama "Our Beloved Summer". You can look forward to discussions about what it means to go and grow through your twenties, evolving relationships, and yet again maany many coats (and sweaters this time as well...)
Enjoy everyone!